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Old 11-08-2011, 07:58 AM   #8
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by JohnnyD View Post
So much for that whole recognizing your faults and trying to improve on them crap that you were trying to toss around back when you were leveraging religion for your arguments.
Johnny, I don't claim to be anything other than what I am. Obama was supposed to be the guy who would descend from the heavens, rise above all the party bickering, and unite us all in one big hig. I keep hearing what a nice guy he is.

Time and time again, he uses his pulpit to attack those who are not in a position to respond. He did it to George Bush at his inauguration, he did it to the Supreme Court at the State of the Union, he did it to the Cambridge police at a press conference, and he just did it to the Speaker of the House.

Did Bush ever do that, in his 8 years?
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