Thread: Jerry Sandusky
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Old 11-10-2011, 10:24 AM   #23
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Paterno and Sandusky were tied to the hip for years. Sandusky played for him as a Linebacker and continued as a coach. Paterno knew what was going on. Coaches at Penn State pretty much are lifers. He knew about it and that is why Paterno did a 180 before the 1999 season and decided that Sandusky wouldn't be his successor. Sandusky left but still held youth football camps at Penn State. What makes this whole thing really bad for Paterno is that when Mike McQueary (who was a grad assistant in 2002 and caught Sandusky in the act with a 10 year old in the shower after a football camp at Penn State) went to Paterno, nothing was really done. Ask yourself what you would have done if you were Paterno? Paterno gave McQueary a coaching job (do you think maybe to keep his mouth shut?). Even worse is the outcome of the investigation was that Sandusky WASN’T banned from campus or the Penn State athletic facilities, he was only barred from bringing children onto campus. (mind boggling) Paterno knew it and he decided to ignore the reports and evidence to protect the reputation of Penn State. That decision showed that he could have cared less about those kids The local and state police should have been notified. The fact that the Penn State police did the investigation is a joke. They can’t police themselves. The whole thing was a cover up and Paterno is as dirty with the rest of them. Read the following from a New York newspaper.

On Friday, March 1, 2002, in an episode that those close to McQueary say left him shocked and confused — and that would return to haunt his life and the fortunes of his university years later — he entered the locker room in Penn State’s Lasch Football Building at about 9:30 p.m. to put a new pair of shoes in his locker and pick up some recruiting tapes, according to the report of the grand jury that investigated the allegations involving Sandusky. Coaches commonly keep late hours but not so much in the off-season months, like March. Besides, the lights were not on in the offices, but toward the locker room. That is not usual. And a shower was running.
According to the report, McQueary heard “rhythmic, slapping sounds,” which he believed to be those of sexual activity. He walked to his locker, opened it and put his sneakers inside. He then turned his head and looked into the shower.
He has said under oath that he saw Sandusky raping what appeared to be a 10-year-old boy. He immediately left, met with his father and determined he would report the incident to Paterno, according to prosecutors. A person familiar with his account said McQueary did not spare the details when he met with Paterno. Nor did he when he met with the university’s athletic director and another senior administrator, the man in charge of Penn State’s campus police.
Weeks later, according to state prosecutors, those officials told McQueary that Sandusky had been barred from bringing children onto campus.

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