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Old 11-16-2011, 02:54 PM   #10
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by RIJIMMY View Post
cain is done. his response to the libya question was ridiculous.

This is really better than anything SNL can do.
This country is a joke if the repub candidates are best we can do.

"This country is a joke if the repub candidates are best we can do."

From where I sit, Gingrich is the sharpest politician since Churchill. The GOP is chock full of bright young talent - Gov Bobby Jindal (LA), Senator Marco Rubio (FL), Chris Christie is very popular...The female governor in SC is popular, is Haley her name? Congressmen Paul Ryan and Mike Pence are going places...

Cain, Perry, and Bachman will be gone by the end of the year. Newt will get much of their support. That leaves me with mixed feelings. Because while I think Newt is the most qualified (by far), I think Romney is more electable in the general. But I REALLY want to see Gingrich debate Obama. Gingrich would just disembowel him. I'd want a tape of that debate put in my casket, and my will would state that no one gets one cent of my inheritance without watching that debate.
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