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Old 11-17-2011, 08:42 AM   #14
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Cain needs a might recall the press frustrated with obama throughout the last campaign because while he was happy to have them sit in front of him and his teleprompter and follow him around the 57 States listening to speeches...he wasn't so generous with interviews...

some seem to forget that teleprompter.... was..ahhhhh....not always smooth... and benefitted from a media love fest...not the media attempts to put words in his mouth and catch him in gotcha questions day in and day out...

Politico 2008
"If Obama was covered like Clinton is, one feels certain the media focus would not have been on the questions, but on a candidate performance that at times seemed tinny, impatient and uncertain."
Obama's secret weapon: The media - John F. Harris and Jim VandeHei -

Bryan...Huntsman is viewed as a Bloomberg, Chaffee, etc..."republican"...that's why he's a steady 1.7 in the polls...maybe he should become a democrat

Romney illicits trepidation that he may have some of the same leanings which is why he, while steady, can't seem to garner more traction as long as there are other solidly conservative alternatives

you may or may not have noticed but Romney and Huntsman have not been attacked in the primary for their Mormon background.....however, you can be sure that as soon as and if it appears that Romney is going to be the nominee, we'll see the Fontline Scary Mormon Specials again and all of the questions that were never asked regarding Obama's Black Liberation Theology, which should probably tell you something

whose credability has suffered more since the Cain allegations....Cain or Politico, Allred and her "client" or the anonymous for the most part women alledging all of these things...??? and Cain and the right have not had to ramp up and destroy these women as the left would have surely done

Nov 16, 2011 A Public Policy Polling survey places the former House speaker in front with 28%. Herman Cain and Mitt Romney trail him at 25% and 18%, respectively.
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