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Old 11-23-2011, 05:52 PM   #52
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
She's still quite influential in the GOP odd as it may seem.

As for efforts to discredit her, these were a response to an open invitation. Her VP nod was a trick play and she was obviously not ready for the job, if she ever would be...although she's making a hell of a lot of money just hanging out there

I think Bush was a disengaged President. He thought of himself as the "decider" and wanted to make a mark but really didn't want to own the decision making process. In all I think he's a decent guy who just gave up too much authority to those around him. The proof here is in the pudding.

Obama by contrast appears to put a lot more mental energy into the job. I don't think he has a bad attitude or hates America. If anything he's insulated himself too much from inside the beltway jabber and hasn't worked to control the debate. This has hindered his effectiveness.

There are limitations to both styles.

"Her VP nod was a trick play "

Read some actual facts. At the time of her nomination, she had the highest approval ratings of any governor in the country. Her nomination catapulted McCain ahead of Obama in every poll, and they stayed ahead till the economy collapsed.

Last edited by Jim in CT; 11-23-2011 at 06:26 PM..
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