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Old 11-27-2011, 08:53 AM   #17
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by striperman36 View Post
I have not taste Newt, he's had his time and failed.

Go back to teaching and stealing more monyah from us folks
"Newt, he's had his time and failed."

He failed? At what? He led the Republlican revolution of 1994, which was a success. He cut taxes, vut spending, balanced the budget 4 years in a row, and got millions of people off the welfare rolls and back in the workforce. Most rational economists credit the Clinton/Gingrich economic policies with the incredible economic growth that followed. And those policies were NOT the natural instincts of Bill Clinton...those are conservative policies that Gingrich forced Clinton to adopt, and they were a smashing success. So how did he fail?

"Go back to teaching and stealing more monyah from us folks"

How has he stolen anything from anyone? I'd be interested to hear about that.
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