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Old 11-27-2011, 08:58 AM   #18
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Saltheart View Post
That's because he is absolutely hated , hated by the left wing media. He is the most feared man in America right now by the left wingers because he has so much knowledge and intellect that he can eat them alive in face to face discussions. Because they fear him so much as a candidate , they are using every journalistic trick in the book to twist what he says , take things out of context and spin all they can. Dirty left wing journalism is the only weapon they have because he beats their brains out with facts , knowledge, a true understanding of the countries problems and , although difficult to swallow sometimes , real world solutions to those problems.

I don't know why the left is so worried. Very few Americans actually want someone who knows whats going on as their president. They just want someone who will continue to promise a free ride to all the people with their hands out. Gimme , gimme , gimme and I will vote for we slowly slip into economic ruin from too many taking and too few paying.Newt is by far the most capable candidate but he has no chance of winning because he tells the truth.
Phenomenal post Saltheart. Dead-on. The only thing I disagree with is that you said he has no chance of winning. I think Newt is less electable than Romney, but I wouldn't say he has no chance. If the GOP ticket is Gingrich/Rubio, it comes down to a few states like Ohio, PA, and VA. Obama is polling terribly with independents in those states.

"he can eat them alive in face to face discussions."

Damn right. I cannot tell you how badly I want to see a debate between Obama and Gingrich. I've been dying to see that for years, and there's a great chance it will happen. That would be the ultimate battle of style versus substance.
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