Thread: Occupy
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Old 11-27-2011, 02:23 PM   #39
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
How corporate influence over our political process is rigging the game in favor of the wealthy.

Ah Spence is concerned that "corporations" wield too much political influence. Spence, are you equally concerned about the politicalinfluence bought by public labor unions? Those unions elect politicians who will reward the union with stupid benefits, which we have to pay for with ever-rising property taxes. Every town and state in the country is now buckling under the weight of those insane promises.

In my opinion, the labor unions have had a more detrimental impact on my personal finances than any corporation. In the end, corporations don't get any money from me unless I choose to give it to them. The teachers union takes my money by force of law, force they bought with campaign contributions. In an unbelieveble case of hypocrisy, liberals show no concern when liberal groups engage in the same practice.

Spence, can you please enlighhten me as to why that is?
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