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Old 12-09-2011, 01:00 PM   #1
Jim in CT
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Obama is simply clueless about the economy

Today's op-ed by Dr Charles Krauthammer, a Harvard-educated doctor.

Obama Blames Rich: Obama blames the rich for the country's ills -

I'd like someone to read this and tell me where Krauthammer, exactly, is wrong. Some of the highlights...

"Obama lamented that millions 'are now forced to take their children to food banks.' "

Obama is correct that the number of folks on food stamps is at an all-time high. But since Obama has been in power for the last 3 years (and that for the first 2 years the Dems had complete control of the legislature, meaning the GOP could not stop them from doing anything), when does anything becomes Obama's fault?

"This obsession with a sock-it-to-the-rich tax hike that, at most, would have reduced this year's deficit from $1.3 trillion to $1.22 trillion is the classic reflex of reactionary liberalism — anything to avoid addressing the underlying structural problems, which would require modernizing the totemic programs of the New Deal and Great Society."

I've said this before. Obama, and many liberals, are obsessed with tweaking tax rates on the rich. DO THE MATH. At most, that gets us $90 billion a year. Our current debt is $15 trillion, and that excludes shortfalls to social security and medicare, which adds tens of trillions more. If we could fix our problems simply by tweaking tax rates on the billionaires, NO ONE WOULD OPPOSE THAT. The fact is. the impact of these tax hikes is absolutely menaingless. Obama continues to beat that drum to stir up an "us versus them" mentality. And he accused the Republicans of using fear tactics?

Go ahead liberals, please show me the math that suggests we can put a menaingful dent in our problems with tax hikes.

We need to discuss massive cuts, which is, unfortunately, the only viable solution. Republicans do not like this, but we are rational enough to accept it. Liberals ignore the reality and demonize those who are trying to actually solve the problem in the fairest way. If liberals had a shred of intellectual honesty on this issue (and they do not), they'd help conservatives come up with the fairest way to make the necessary cuts. But they won't. So when conservatives are forced to talk about cuts, liberals can shriek "SEE, THEY HATE POOR PEOPLE!!!" That's as dishonest as it gets, and it sure as hell isn't the "change" we were promised when Obama descended from the heavens.
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