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Old 12-10-2011, 09:40 AM   #16
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Name three.


This man spends money he doesn't have and has no real plan on how to recoup this money other than trying sell to the American public that taxing the rich will pay for it all with no real definition of who and what the rich are.

A good analagy is putting a bandage on a cut that won't heal.If the bandage doesn't heal the cut we need find out why the cut won't heal,you just can't keep putting bandages on it.

1.The American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.Its putting a small amount of people to work for a small amount of time and then puts those same folks back in the proverbial unemployment line.And in some cases actually is costing more money than projected because of unmet deadlines and other cost overuns.We got a couple of nice roads yay.Again the bandage analagy works well here,no real solutions to fix our crumbling infrastructure.The Jobs Act is just another bandage,we'll add that to the list of future mistakes.

2.Obama Care.For the average American who has a healthcare plan through their employer the price of going to the doctor has climbed and not always necessarily through higher rates but higher copays...since Obama Care passed my copays have tripled.The forcing businesses(specifically small/medium)
to provide healthcare or else approach gives businesses two choices:spend money they don't have or close up shop.The obvious choice is close up shop.Never mind the tanning salon tax will take care of that.

3.The Housing Market.His inaction in doing anything real to help the housing market recover other than to throw money at it(again a bandaid) without any real effort to fix the underlying problems in the market.Lets not forget that as senators Obama and Barney were the two most responsible for this mess.Foreclosures are still at very high numbers.
Lets taIk house building/renovation.I know the "numbers" say its getting better but as someone who's worked residential construction all my life I can tell you for a fact it isn't better,its worse!People are not building new houses and they are not fixing their old ones.I work for one of the largest construction companies in RI and we just had a wholsale layoff of people.We've submitted little to no bids because there is nothing to bid on.Unless things get better after our current projects are finished I'll more than likely be in the unemployment line.

So when the dust settles and this country is in even more debt than it already is taxing the rich will pay for nothing and the burden will fall on small/medium business and the American worker through raising taxes on them.

I believe that's three.
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