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Old 12-10-2011, 06:07 PM   #28
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Seems like they like it

Perhaps it like battered wife syndrome?

Read more: Obama pulling in Wall Street donations -

Perhaps that's Obama's point, that we have "underlying structural problems". Not sure where I've heard that before though...

The problem with your assertion is that both democratic and republican politicians resemble your remark.

One might then intuit that ideology has little to do with the problem, and that you're entire premise is fundamentally invalid. You should read his speech again.

Spence, what about that USA Today article that says we have unfunded liabilities of $62 trillion? Spence, HOW WOULD YOU go about fixing that? Obama says all we need to do is get another $90n billion a year from the billionaires. Do the math. If we get that $90billion a year (a big if) and even if we didn't have to pay interest on the $62 trillion (and we do) it will take 667 years to pay down that debt.

Spence, please please please tell me how we solve this, without huge cuts to those programs? Yet when Paul Ryan offers a way to do this, YOUR SIDE makes a commercial of Ryan pushing old ladies off a cliff. Is that honest debate? Is that honestly trying to solve the problems at hand? No. All that is, is deminizing the opposition because conservatives are the ones being courageous and honest. All you can do, ALL YOU CAN DO, is shriek that we hate poor people. Pathetic.

Let's hear it Spence. How do we get $62 trillion just from the wealthy. Because even if we took every penny from them, even if we taxed them at 100%, it wouldn't add up to anywhere near that number. But I'm sure you must have a valid plan, right??????? Let's hear it. Either offer up a plan that addresses that problem, or keep quiet and learn something. I'm all ears...
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