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Old 12-30-2011, 03:11 PM   #46
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Originally Posted by The Dad Fisherman View Post
Five Things You Can Learn From Playing Sports

Sports can be good for a lot of things and this includes having fun, being with friends, and excelling at something you are good at. But there are many lessons that can be learned from playing sports as well and you should be well aware of these lessons so that you can look out for them.

By looking out for these lessons, it means that you will be more aware of the things that you are learning and knowing what is lacking in yourself as a person. Here are some lessons you can take with you just by playing sports.

• Learn about health – You will only really know about your physical health and condition if you do something physical like getting involved in sports. While playing a particular sport, you will learn how to keep yourself in top shape, according to the demands of that sport. You will also learn about diets and how to make yourself stronger, faster, and more acute to certain physical things that you were not aware of before. This is something that will ensure you great physical health and this is one major reason that you should get into sports.

• Learn about objectives – The one thing about sports is that there is always a goal and that is how to succeed in the sport by playing it right. This is something that you can bring along with you in the real world. There are certain objectives in life that you must discern for yourself. The lesson you can take from different sports is that you must focus on those objectives and strive to achieve them as diligently as you can.

• Learn to enjoy success – When you win a game in a particular sport, you are never sad. In fact, this is the cause for great celebration. This is another lesson that you can bring with you into your real life. When you succeed at something, make sure that you celebrate and be happy about it; don't be grumpy and get greedy for more.

• Learn that you can lose – Since you can win, you must understand that you can also lose as well. Losing should not be taken as something negative; it should help you to strive even further and to push yourself to be better. This is something that sports can teach you because in sports, when you lose, you improve the way you perform and you can try again to win. This is something that you should also do in your real life as well.

• Learn about teamwork – Many sports involve more than just one or two players. This is important because each person in a team in sports thinks differently and performs differently. You learn to work with each other's strengths and improve on each other's weaknesses. This is the kind of mentality that you can bring to your real life as well as at work and even at home. Good teamwork is something that will help everybody in a group or team to achieve success.
Only competitive sports can teach these thing? Why not sports that have no potential to cause injuries?

Once again though, my original intent was to reduce the cost to the taxpayer and realocate the monies spent on something a little less confrontational. How about conditionig and billiards for instance.
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