Thread: Iowa
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Old 01-04-2012, 01:18 PM   #22
sick of bluefish
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Originally Posted by spence View Post

Actually the individual mandate, which Romney has never advocated at the federal level, was the brainchild of the Heritage Foundation.

as governor for a liberal state he passed mandatory healthcare legistlation. Repubs dont like that, period.

No, 4 years ago he finished a distant second 10 points behind Huck. This time he finished in first, over 4 points ahead of Paul who was expected to win.

No - In the 2008 Republican Iowa caucuses, Mitt Romney received 30,021 votes, 25% of the total, In the 2012 caucuses, Romney received 30,015 votes, 25% of the total. Not a lot of headway Spence.

GWB did a lot of damage to repubs and most dont believe he was convervative. I think repubs may stay home so not to risk further tarnishing their reputation.

taken from another article which sums up my view-
After 39 months of consistent public hostility to bailout economics, after the rise of the tea party movement, after town-hall opposition to "Obama care," after the long-shot Scott Brown win in Massachusetts, after the 2010 limited-government resurgence in the House of Representatives ... after all of these unmistakable signs of public -- let alone Republican -- sentiment, the alleged party of limited government may be on the verge of nominating someone who is running to President Barack Obama's left on Medicare, who helped pave the way for the Obama policy Republicans hate most and who has no real plan for cutting the biggest growth items in the federal budget.

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