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Old 02-11-2012, 03:00 PM   #4
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Originally Posted by basswipe View Post
Of course its satire.Do you really think that I believe my lactose intolerance is caused by Iron Maiden?

Actual quote from his speech that shows this guy is an idiot:

He is well known for his crusades against certain forms of music,television and video games.Satirical articles like this need to be put out there otherwise people wouldn't even bother to find what any said candidates views are.I would assume any semi-intelligent voter would see pass the bs and seek out the truth.

Btw if that were an article about Pat Robertson that article would be 100% believable.
I couldn't give a rat's tuckus what Santorum's views are about heavy metal, nor would a satirical article inspire me to find out. Because I don't see the relevance that has to do with being President. If he has a "crusade" against it, that will only gain traction with the rest of us if it has merit. It's doubtful, as President, that he would have time, nor a staff to advise him, to press such a crusade. The fact that "Satirical articles like this need to be put out there" to stir people's interest in his views indicates that there's not much there to care about--unless you're offended. I suspect that every candidate has some personal quirk that offends somebody. If that disqualifies him regardless of how much better he might be in your view on his actual philosophy and politics of governance than whom he opposes, and if that is how most folks vote, it's no wonder that politicians have to be such plastic phonies to get elected.
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