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Old 02-27-2012, 12:27 PM   #1
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by RIJIMMY View Post
Change a few words above and you could be writing for the Taliban!
Who said anything about atheists? You could believe in god and not be religious. Religion is man made, run by man, all rules created by man. I've studied religion all my life, fascinated by it, but I can never follow an organized religion. I know to much.
I dont for a minute believe someone who is religious is morally better than someone who is not or someone who is an atheist.
But here is what I do know, and this is a fact. 12 yrs of catholic school and asked many leaders of the church and professors this to be sure
FACT - Catholics believe that the sacrament of communion is the ACTUAL body and blood of JC, not a symbol, but actual body and blood. That every mass an ACTUAL miracle takes place and the host is turned into body, then you EAT the body of JC.
Thats the fact.
My opinion? Anyone that believes that is insane. Period. Thus I feel intellectually superior to most hard core catholics. (ps. most catholics dont believe that and dont follow many church rules, but its a FACT that the church does believe and teach that)
So, to each his own.
Ypo sem to have posted this on the wrong thread...

"Change a few words above and you could be writing for the Taliban!"

Wrong. You've never heard me say men should be killed for not believeing what I believe, or for having beards not to required length. I don't murder innocent people, I don't enslave women.

"I can never follow an organized religion. I know to much."

So you are assuming that the more knowledgable a person is, the less need he has for religion. That's a big assumption on your part.

"I dont for a minute believe someone who is religious is morally better than someone who is not or someone who is an atheist"

Than you're not nearly as knowledgable as you think you are. As I said, there are exceptions. There are horrible people who call themselves religious. But if someone is, say, a true devout Catholic, that almost necessarily means they are a good person.

" I feel intellectually superior to most hard core catholics."

You are entitled to your illusions. Most liberals feel that a mass murderer has a greater right to live than an unborn baby. Thus I feel intellectually and morally superior to every single hard-core liberal.

"Catholics believe that the sacrament of communion is the ACTUAL body and blood of JC, not a symbol, but actual body and blood."

I guess you know more than me, I'm just a Eucharistic minister who hands out communion every week at Catholic mass. I don't believe I'm actually cannibalizing the body of a person who lived 2000 years ago. Nor do I believe I'm simply eating a meaninglesss wafer. It's a symbolic gesture of my willingness, and desire, to receive Christ into my life.

You can paint us all as a bunch of insane pedophiles, as liberals like to do. We are human beings, menaing we are imperfect, and we screw up royally sometimes. But in the end, our religion motivates us to do some great things. At non-religious hospitals, for instance, they will refuse to treat you (for non-emergencies) if you cannot pay. At CAtholic hospitals, if you can't pay, you get treated for free, even if you aren't Catholic.
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