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Old 02-27-2012, 04:52 PM   #11
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Circular logic.

More circular logic.

Coddling al Qaeda? Not many left after all those drone strikes the past 3 years. I thought we were talking about the Taliban here...

As for destroying them before they build up their capabilities, we've been trying to do that for the past 10 years.

Why aren't you jumping on Gen. Allen who quickly came out and apologized for the incident as well?

And I don't believe Obama said anyone would be punished, he said they would be held accountable. Big difference here. Accountability could be as simple as retraining on how to handle religious manuscripts.

We should probably just nuke the entire country then.

No, we need to depressurize the incident, work to ensure better security and continue with the mission.

I think the disconnect is we see this war in different phases. You believe we should be engaging the Taliban in an effort to eliminate them.

Obama and our military leadership are in a different place. They've recognized that we're not going to eliminate the Taliban through force alone, and that a combined military/political end game needs to be reached...otherwise we continue to stalemate while the budget runs dry and troops continue to die.

"Circular logic."

Spence, if I say that murderers (and their victims) deserve justice instead of apologies to the murderers, please explain why you dismiss that as "circular logic". And be specific please, so that I understand.

"Coddling al Qaeda? Not many left after all those drone strikes the past 3 years."

You got me. In this case, Obama waqs, in my opinion, coddling the murderers. Whether they are Taliban or Al Queda, i don't know.

"We should probably just nuke the entire country then."

I'm confused Spence. I said that muslims who would indiscriminately kill innocent westerners, simply because someone else accidentally burned a Koran, need to be killed. You respond by saying we should nuke the whole country? That necessarily means that you think all of them are sociopaths? That doesn't seem very liberal, does it?

"we need to depressurize the incident"

I don't see how failing to punish the guilty does anything, other than maximizing the chances that they will live to kill another innocent victim.

"They've recognized that we're not going to eliminate the Taliban through force alone"

Not once, ever, have I said that we can with with military force alone. I just don't see how overlooking the slaughter of innocent bystanders, helps anyone except the wicked. But that concept, moral relativism, is one of the pillars of liberalism. That, and lack of responsibility or accountability for one's actions.
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