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Old 02-28-2012, 02:39 PM   #16
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Interesting, it looks like a number of conservatives think Obama took the right course...

Now, I understand there are multiple viewpoints here. The issue of course is that Obama's "liberal mental disorder" causes him to see the Islamist murderers as the real victim.

If that was really the case I'm not sure why all these non-Liberals would be saying what they are.

Spence, you say you're aware of more than one point of view, yet you are acknowledging the validity of one point of view. Yours. Very open-minded of you.

I didn't mean to say that we should refuse to apologize for the accidental burning of the Koran. I'm not suggesting Obama should have said to all Muslims "nyah-nyah-nyah-nyah-nyah!". What I'm saying is this...the accidental burning of pieces of paper is absolutely trivial, meaningless, in comparison to the barbaric mass muder that subsequently took place. Let's put both occurrences in the proper perspective. In my opinion, Obama as usual, was more concerned with apologizing to his perceived victims (offended Muslims), than he was with looking after the actual victims (families of murdered servicemen). And as usual, I didn't see anywhere near the appropriate condemnation of the murder from the Muslim community.

The symptoms of Obama's mental disorder is this...he should have said "I'm sorry that pople were offended that the book got burned, and we will take reasonable steps to ensure it doesn't happen again. However, no civilized person, or religion, can use the burning of paper to justify the mass murder of innocent civilians. And while I regret that the Koran got burned, let's not forget the thousands of NATO troops who gave their lives to free innocent Muslims from other, monstrous, Muslims. 'no greater love have man than he who lays down his life to free another'. That most noble sacrifice isn't tarnished because someone burned a book by accident. Those who committed these subsequent atrocoties will most assuredly face our swift and severe justice."

Spence, THAT is what a man of honor and courage says. THAT is what the commander-in-chief is supposed to say. If Obama wants Muslims worldwide to elect him homecoming king, he is in the wrong job for that. The primary responsibility of the US president is to protect US interests. If our interests confilct with someone else's interests, he would do well to remember whose interests he was elected to serve.

Tell me I'm wrong, Spence...

Last edited by Jim in CT; 02-28-2012 at 02:47 PM..
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