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Old 04-01-2012, 09:25 AM   #13
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
Maybe the problem is that some people try to take a country of 300 million and narrow it down to two types
Are you referring to Obama? You know, the guy talking about the poor versus the wealthy? You know, the guy making this "us" versus "them"? It's politicaly shrewd, and morally bankrupt.

The OP is dead-on. The biggest threat to our nation at this very moment is not Al Queda, it's financial apocalypse thanks to entitlement programs. Social Security and Medicare are in the red by north of 50 trillion dollars, and a generation of politicians has been to afraid of upsetting the Baby Boomers to do anything about it. As a result, the subsequent 4 or 5 generations (starting with mine, generation X) will get stuck with the check, thanks to promises made, and mistakes made, before I was born.

50 trillion. Add to that our current debt of 16 trillion. 66 trillion (and that's a very optimistic estimate) is a massive number for a country of 300 million. Do the math...

Cities and states are all in the same boat, thanks to gutless politicians giving blank checks to public labor unions.

Gimme, gimme, gimme...
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