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Old 04-12-2012, 09:38 AM   #4
Chris Blouin
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For me it really matters on the plug and the action it has.

On a danny plug with two trebles, i like just a bucktail flag on the back, no hook, no feathers, gives a nice action and doesnt slow down the plug.

On a jr with one belly treble i like a dressed siwash on the back with maybe 2 feathers and the rest bucktail, and maybe 4 strands of flash, the tighter wiggle on this plug makes the feathers on the tail swing nicely and doesnt seem to effect the action negatively.

On a needlefish, especially a bigger one like a 3oz bm, i love a heavy thick dressed siwash, 6 or 8 feathers with some bucktail and some flash. seeing the plug doesnt have a side to side action, im not worried about the weight of the tail killing the action. The added drag on the tail actually helps me keep in touch with the needle and helps slow it down which is always a good thing on needles.

I like using the feathers to add size to a plug as well as action, you can easily make a 7.5" super strike needle into an 11" slow moving target by adding big feathers to the siwash.

In the end its a matter of personal prefernce, theres plenty of guys who fish plain siwash or treble hooks on all there plugs and catch just fine, for me its more about having confidence in the presentation.

The only negative thing about a heavy dressed tail hook is it doesnt limit casting distance, on a metal lip the casting distnace is usually poor already so i go light on the tail, and it is nice to have some needles with just a treble or plain siwash on the back for those nights were the wind is blowing hard staright at you and you need to punch threw it.

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