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Old 05-01-2012, 08:48 PM   #18
Marcia! Marcia! Marcia!
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
After watching the video I'm not sure there's legal grounds for assault and battery, although I could see the kid being suspended for the season or even the rest of his HS hockey career. It did seem like a serious cheap shot that should be zero tolerance at that age. Good HS hockey players have skills but lack maturity.

The Judge was sure and threw it out because it's a waste of taxpayors money to settle something that should have been handled on the ice by the refs. The kid is a good kid and has a bright future(national honors society & heading to Williams in the fall) but a snooty family with money from Duxbury thought he should go to jail.

Mike P and Sandman enlightened me to come around that the hit was high but what i was most pissed about is the audacity of these parents to press charges against the kid. During my athletic career I had 3 trips to the hospital and one was life threatening(lacerated kidney) and the thought to press charges against the kids that hit me never crossed my parents minds. I tell what they did though, they made sure I knew how to protect myself by paying attention to what the coaches were teaching us about the game and to never take a play off or go half speed. Sorry, somehow this story has a struck a chord with me. Thanks Mike P and Sandman for breaking down the hit. It should have been a penalty and suspension. Assault and battery? Give me a break!

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