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Old 05-02-2012, 12:14 PM   #5
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by justplugit View Post
I'm thinking Hillary might be his choice. Bill is starting to get
involved with Obama's re-election and Hillary is supposed to
resign Sec.of State end of term.
If Obama wants a pick for mass-appeal, Hilary is the logical choice. The downside is that I'm guessing he doesn't like her. His other option is a popular up-and-comer in one of the swing states, in hopes of capturing that state. Obama needs Ohio, Nevada, Wisconsin. There is no reason to keep Biden around, all he is, is a liability.

On the GOP side, I still say Rubio is the best choice, but lately, I've been hearing the name Condaleeza Rice thrown around. In my opinion, that's a superb pick, because she's experienced, brilliant, talented (classicly trained pianist and a world-class figure skater to boot), and a nice lady. Downside is that she's probably too closely tied to the Bush administration, and the nation is still suffering from Bush fatigue. But I really like her.

We've got a real chance in November, and I never thought I'd say that. Not with (1) Obama's cult status, and (2) the way the media is in the tank for him. But even with that, he's done such a God-awful job, he's vulnerable.
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