Thread: Trayvon / Media
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Old 05-05-2012, 07:21 PM   #95
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
No, it's clearly spelled out in the community watch rules that Zimmerman was supposed to be following. As the chief of the neighborhood watch you'd think he'd know them better than anyone.

I haven't seen anything that indicates Zimmerman didn't cross this line completely on his own judgement.

Al Sharpton doesn't really have anything to do with this case. It's a deke by some to distract from the substance of this issue.

I think it's going to boil down to two simple things, Martin had every right to be where he was, and Zimmerman crossed the line in his duty in the neighborhood watch by moving beyond simply reporting what he saw as suspicious behavior and by carrying a firearm when he wasn't supposed to be.

If Martin was indeed profiled -- the reporting is that there have been many thefts by young black men recently -- then the issue of Zimmerman crossing the vigilante line is even more important.

Most of the support for Zimmerman appears to be coming from the gun lobby...who's position is just as absurd as Al Sharpton.

"No, it's clearly spelled out in the community watch rules that Zimmerman was supposed to be following. As the chief of the neighborhood watch you'd think he'd know them better than anyone."

Last time I checked, Zimmerman has the right to get out of his car and walk. Did he do more than that? Did he instigate? Probably. But I wasn't there, and I'll wait for the facts. I learned that from the mistake I made in rushing to judgment in the Duke lacrosse case.

"Al Sharpton doesn't really have anything to do with this case."

So I'm making it up? Sharpton wasn't using this case to fan the flames of hate like he always does? Sharpton has nothing to do with it? Tell that to the white folk who have been beaten in retaliation for this. Tell that to the elderly couple who had to move into a hotel because Spike Lee Tweeted their address. Tell that to Zimmerman, who had a bounty put on his head by the Black Panthers.

Spence, you make stuff up when it suits you. i do not.

"Most of the support for Zimmerman appears to be coming from the gun lobby"

Wrong, and made up. I have no connection to the gun lobby. I doubt Alan Dershowitz does either.

Spence, get a grip, man.
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