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Old 05-31-2012, 01:32 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by Fly Rod View Post
The President and the Democratic leaders in Congress championed this bill and they said it was going to lower the cost of healthcare,” not according to a young Christian College student whose health insurance is going to double from about 600 a year to over 1300 dollars when he returns to college in the fall. He is begining to learn what "Hope and Change is." I am sure other colleges will be dropping their health plan and opting for Obama Care.

This is only the beginning, those of us that have health care thru our employer will be dropped, employer will pay the fine for dropping us which is a small price compared to what they will be saving in the long run.
Any chance you can specify how the health care bill caused the change in price? Most of the bill doesn't even start to go into effect until after 2013. This isn't more right wing "my perception must be reality" ? Or is the spin going to be "Obama said it will go down, but it is going up."? Where did you get your info? Did you investigate the details? Any idea how much health care has gone up over the last 20 years? I understand how if one doesn't like Obama, you could get riled up by this crap, but come on... is it even honest? Sounds like a chain email, actually, or some nutso right wing talk show

No, no, no. we’re 30… 30, three zero.
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