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Old 06-01-2012, 12:09 PM   #25
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
But you go on believing it, just because it makes him look good.
Come on Jim, I would think you are smarter than that. I didn't say I even believed him To me it is the least important issue of the health care law. What I want to see is one real piece of evidence that the doubled price of insurance for the kid in the first article was because of the health care law, which mostly goes into effect in 2014. The link you post doesn't do that either. Did anyone ever learn the basics of data analysis. Correlation does not mean causation. If it is true, I will be the first to say it, but someone please find an actual connection between the Fox Spews report and the law. There are 1000's of pages of actual climate data that the right completely disregards as a global conspiracy for people who "want" global warming, yet when stuff like this pointless article come up, no one wants data to know if it is actually true?

No, no, no. we’re 30… 30, three zero.
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