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Old 06-02-2012, 12:23 PM   #34
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
Jim, please show me where in the article it gives any indication that the kids insurance costs doubled because of the law.

The article says "federal burden" will increase. I am not interested in semantics that the federal burden is on us.

Again, I am not saying costs won't go up. I want to know the validity of stating the kids costs doubled because of the law. Apparently, we are two pages in to this and there is not one shred of evidence.

If you are going to keep posting information that makes assumptions about what I think and are your own strange projections , I won't be responding to you again for a long time.
Zimmy, Obamacare increases coverage. That increases costs.

JohnnyD said that Obamacare would increase costs for him. That wasn't good enough for you.

You yourself said that federal burden for healthcare will increase. That means we're spending more on healthcare, which means healthcare costs go up.

I'm not saying that Obamacare is going to mean that my doctor charges me more when I go to get antibiotics.

Zimmy, here is another art5icle about Obamacare increasing costs, maybe this will suffice...

Christian College Says ObamaCare Will Double Insurance Costs | FOX News & Commentary: Todd Starnes


"HHS did say that students will have added benefits under the law – including a rule that prevents insurance companies from putting an annual limit on student health plans"

Zimmy, most plans have limits on the maximum annual benefit...Obamacare does away with this...this means the companies have to pay more benefits, which means the cost must increase.

Good enough? Satisfied?

Obama also bragged that Obamacare would prohibit carriers from dropping people with pre-existing conditions. This necessarily costs insurance companies more, which means the premiums must increase. A child understands this.

Here is another piece...

Obamacare Increases Health Insurance Premiums

"The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that the benefit mandates in Obamacare—in combination with the limited cost-sharing—will increase premiums 27–30 percent in the individual market and up to 3 percent in the small group market"

"Limits on Deductibles

Individuals who do not have co-payments or deductibles lack “skin in the game” and thus have less incentive to economize on their use of health care services. This results in higher premiums for their health insurance. The CBO concludes that a 10 percent decrease in cost-sharing typically increases health care spending by 1–2 percent"

"The average 60-year-old consumes about six times as much health care as the average 20-year-old, but Obamacare mandates that insurers charge the oldest individuals in the risk pool no more than three times the lowest rate. As a result, young individuals will pay much more than the actuarially fair amount for their premiums. Management consulting firm Oliver Wyman estimated that premiums will rise by 45 percent for those age 18–24, 35 percent for those age 25–29, and 26 percent for those age 30–34."

"In order to charge individuals a fair premium, insurers in the individual market engage in underwriting to determine applicant risk. That is, healthy individuals are less of a risk and thus enjoy lower premiums, the same way good drivers get discounts on their auto insurance. Obamacare bans this type of underwriting to rate premiums. The result will be higher premiums for the vast majority of individuals who are relatively healthy. "

"Obamacare is set to reduce the reimbursements doctors and hospitals receive for Medicare. A 2006 Health Affairs piece finds that a 1 percent relative decrease in the average Medicare price is associated with a 0.17 percent increase in the corresponding price paid by privately insured patients. The study found that cost shifting from Medicare and Medicaid to private payers accounted for 12.3 percent of the total increase in the price of private insurance from 1997 to 2001"

"Obamacare includes many new taxes, including a 2.3 percent excise tax on medical devices and annual fees on health insurance providers. A tax placed on insurance companies or medical device companies will be passed to consumers in the form of higher premiums. "

Zimmy, two of my hobbies are tennis and chess. In tennis, we call this "game, set, match", and in chess we call this "checkmate".

Good luck coming coming up with a "yeah, but..." response to this. Try to refrain from calling me a racist...

Last edited by Jim in CT; 06-02-2012 at 12:37 PM..
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