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Old 06-02-2012, 12:35 PM   #35
Jim in CT
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Zimmy, here is more...


"Well, the Office of the Actuary in the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services recently put out its annual projections of national health care spending. And, contrary to the President, the actuaries find that Obamacare will dramatically increase the near-term growth rate of health care costs. In 2014, the actuaries find that growth in the net cost of health insurance will increase by nearly 14 percent, compared to 3.5% if PPACA had never passed. The growth rate of private insurance costs will rise to 9.4 percent, from 5.0 percent under prior law: an 88% increase."

Zimmy, enlighten us, tell us why it is that you (and Obama)know more than the Medicare and Medicaid actuaries?

Obama will not utter one breath about Obamacare in this campaign unless the issue is forced. If he really believes that he could increase coverage while reducing costs, he doesn't understand economics 101, and clearly he's not smart enough to lead the economy.

Personally, I'll gladly pay more in taxes if it genuinely helps people. But I know there's no such thing as getting something for nothing. It does not exist, despite what hard-core liberals claim.

The man is unfit for the job, in WAY over his head.
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