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Old 06-02-2012, 07:32 PM   #39
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
Is there anyone out there that can at least put up a link that shows what has been implemented in the law that doubled this kids insurance? Despite the nonsense of some people on here, I am not making any claims either way about whether costs will rise. All I can find though is that a school or a student "claims" the law is causing prices to double. It reminds me of when yozuri darters went from $9 to $16. Yozuri claimed it was because the price of magnetic balls went up, but there was little evidence in the metals market that a few tiny balls should cause an 80% increase in the lure. Oh well, we won't have to worry about it anyway, the Mayan calender ends soon so the end of civilization is right around the corner.
"Is there anyone out there that can at least put up a link that shows what has been implemented in the law that doubled this kids insurance?"

I posted something along those lines. I'll do it again...Here is the link that itemizes some of the features of Obamacare that will increase costs...

Obamacare Increases Health Insurance Premiums

Some key's the biggie for college kids...

Minimized Youth Discount

"The average 60-year-old consumes about six times as much health care as the average 20-year-old, but Obamacare mandates that insurers charge the oldest individuals in the risk pool no more than three times the lowest rate. As a result, young individuals will pay much more than the actuarially fair amount for their premiums. Management consulting firm Oliver Wyman estimated that premiums will rise by 45 percent for those age 18–24,"

Do you understand Zimmy?? Among other things,Obamacare mandates that companies must reduce the discount they give to young, healthy folks, like college students...

Some other drivers...

Mandated Benefits

Obamacare mandates that insurance companies cover a minimum package of benefits. The more comprehensive and generous the insurance, however, the more expensive it will be. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) estimates that the benefit mandates in Obamacare—in combination with the limited cost-sharing—will increase premiums 27–30 percent in the individual market and up to 3 percent in the small group market

" Elimination of the Good Health Discount

In order to charge individuals a fair premium, insurers in the individual market engage in underwriting to determine applicant risk. That is, healthy individuals are less of a risk and thus enjoy lower premiums, the same way good drivers get discounts on their auto insurance. Obamacare bans this type of underwriting to rate premiums. The result will be higher premiums for the vast majority of individuals who are relatively healthy"

No Annual or Lifetime Limits on Health Benefits and Mandated Coverage of Children Under 26

These provisions are already taking effect, and they raise the cost of providing insurance. Several insurers have attributed a portion of their annual rate hikes for this year to provisions in Obamacare

"Obamacare includes many new taxes, including a 2.3 percent excise tax on medical devices and annual fees on health insurance providers. A tax placed on insurance companies or medical device companies will be passed to consumers in the form of higher premiums"
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