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Old 06-04-2012, 03:04 AM   #6
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Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
Bye bye Scott. My mistake. Took you less than 24 hour to show again what a classy guy you are. Why don't you call them and you can tell everyone else what you find. I can see what they write.


"the school claiming the law doubled the cost for the kid is almost certainly a distortion or, worse yet, a lie."

"Despite the nonsense of some people on here"

"Never mind... you apparently don't get the question"

"This thread is about a bs report that a kids health care costs doubled because of the health care law"

"What a giant piece of simple minded garbage"

"Typical moronic scare tactic based not on the truth or reality, but on what gets people fired up. Almost not worth justifying with a response"

"You say moronic statements about me and Obama "

"a law that hasn't gone into full effect doubled a poor Christian boys health care costs"

"Why do they have to lie and distort everything?"

"Did anyone ever learn the basics of data analysis"

"but someone please find an actual connection between the Fox Spews report and the law"

"I wonder how many of these basic questions fox news asked? Almost certainly, none. Better to run with it since it fits the mantra of farse and unbalanced news."

"I hear common sense tossed around all the time in this forum. Common sense says that one should not fall for the bs that a law that hasn't taken affect is the reason that some random persons health care costs doubled."

"Common sense isn't very common, but it is sure brought up all the time."

"So then the whole premise of the original post is invalid."

"I wasn't even 100% sure it was since the details of it are nonexistent, but I am glad to find out that I was correct."

"I think I will call up one of the national right wing wack jobs and tell them "as a youngish aged Christian, my health care costs have gone up 300% since the law passed, and the moon slowed its orbit around the Earth." That'll get em going."

"This is some funny shizzle."

"This isn't more right wing "my perception must be reality" ?"

"Or is the spin going to be "Obama said it will go down, but it is going up."? Where did you get your info? Did you investigate the details?"

"I understand how if one doesn't like Obama, you could get riled up by this crap, but come on... is it even honest?"

"Sounds like a chain email, actually, or some nutso right wing talk show "

"That and most commentators on there say a bunch of crap that isn't really true, but many in those masses who are listening lack the gray matter to actually analyze multiple sources of information and form valid conclusions"

"How about we elect idiots who want to run things the way they were run 6 years ago? Now that is genius."

"Here it is again? Is this sandman's own words or is this some chain thing he is passing off as his own?"

stay classy GENIUS
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