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Old 06-06-2012, 06:04 AM   #46
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Jim, Your posts are so full of hate. I don't think I have ever seen someone with so much hate. We know you "detest" the pres. I can't think of a person I've ever destested. I really think it must be horible to have so much hate inside you that you can actually detest someone b/c of their politics. As I've said before, I'm thankfull that I was raised to never have the hate you seem to have.

Do your kids hear you talk politics with the anger you seem to always post with - I hope not.

Don't confuse justifiable contempt, with hate. I'm not angry, I'm afraid. I'm afraid that when my kids graduate from college, they'll be looking at federal income tax rates of 60%.

PaulS, our debt, including shortfalls to SS and Medicare, is north of $60 trillion, that's trillion with a "t". One side, my side, puts out a budget (Ryan's budget) that proposes one way to try to address this.

What does your side do? Do they propose an alternative? Hell, no. All they do is accuse Ryan of hating old people and poor people. They film a commercial showing Ryan push a wheelchair-bound old lady off a cliff?

you tell me, Paul...what do you think of that? In my opinion, libs are doging the issue because they are too cowardly to tell their constituents (people on the public teet) that the well is dry and we need a major overhaul. So instead of doing what's hard and important (proposing a solution), they take the easy way out, and make their base more afraid of the boogeyman GOP.

You go ahead and tell me that's an inaccurate assessment...
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