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Old 06-12-2012, 10:26 AM   #15
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Do the Dem. leaders make idiotic statements like the most imp. thing is to defeat the pres- not the economy, not the war?

And as usual your wrong and come across as an angry, pathetic, partisan person. I don't rant, you do. Look at all your posts. 99% of them are in the political forum and are usually crying about some percieved action by liberals. Post some more b/c I enjoy seeing the anger which seems to drive you. I could care less if you want to Alaska. Tell us more about your military or church service.
Paul, you said that if someone proposed a clean water act, a conservative would throw a brick at them. That's anarchy. Stop obsessing about the hyper-technical details...the point is, your post painted conservatives as some cartoonish, dastardly capitalist dedicated to raping the land. Sorry, no truth, or very little truth at best, to that.

"Do the Dem. leaders make idiotic statements"

Actually, yes. Just this week, Obama said "the private sector is doing fine". Tell that to the millions of people looking for work in the private sector. Last week, Obama said something "idiotic" about Polish death camps...

You don't admit that Joe Biden (the VP certainly counts as a democratic leader) makes idiotic statements?

How many examples do you want of Democratic leaders making idiotic statements? Conservatives believe that everyone, even Catholics, have the right to practice religion. For that, democrat leaders say that conservatives have waged a "war against women"? Most conservatives believe that public unionized benefits need to be curtailed, because states simply cannot pay for them. For that, democrat leaders claim that conservatives "only care about the rich". Those are idiotic, partisan statements. Finally, when Paul Ryan points out that Medicare is going bankrupt, democratic leaders make a commercial of him pushing an old lady off a cliff. That's not idiotic? Is that the democrat's idea of reaching across the aisle to work with conservatives? That's designed to encourage thoughtful debate?

When people like me say "Obama must be defeated", it's synonymous with saying "the economy needs to be fixed". In our opinion, Obama's agenda is causing serious harm to the economy. You. however, cannot accept the fact that we have reasonable justification to say "Obama must be defeated", you assume that statement must be based on racism.

Paul, you said conservatives would throw a brick if someone proposed a clean water act. I asked you to support that, and all you can do is call me a hate-monger. That's precisely what liberals do when they have backed themselves into an intellectual corner from which there is no escape.

No anger or hate in my posts here. I simply asked you to support your deranged claims.

Last edited by Jim in CT; 06-12-2012 at 10:33 AM..
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