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Old 06-12-2012, 12:38 PM   #25
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Jim, I don't have time or frankly want to waste the effort to respond to everything you say but where did I "clearly state that Republicans, as a group, only care about the environment inasmuch as there is a profit to be made"? I made a statement about "drill baby drill". In this thread I've asked you 3 or 4 times to show me where I've said things you've accussed me of saying (b/c you've tried twisting things) yet you haven't responded once. I'll ask once more, where did I accuse all Repub. of being racists or only care about profits? Rather than get your panties in a bunch, read what I wrote or put me on ignore.
"Jim, I don't have time or frankly want to waste the effort to respond to everything you say "

OK. In other words, you find the time to suggest that the Tea Party is racist. But when I offer irrefutable proof to the contrary, suddenly you're too busy. So, you know you are wrong, but rather than admit it, you want to drop it. For the record, it would have taken you less time to type "I'm wrong" than to type "I don't have time to respond".

'In this thread I've asked you 3 or 4 times to show me where I've said things you've accussed me of saying ..."

Paul, are you feeling OK? Here is what you said in this thread, to cast Republicans in the manner in which you want everyone to see them...

(1) "Where are the environmentalists in the rep. party?"...

(2) "Teddy R. would have been laughed at for expanding the national park system"

(3) "If Nixon today proposed the clean water act or the EPA, he would have been out early in the primaries."

(4) "we love the outdoors, yet if someone proposes a law to help protect it, he gets bricks thrown at him"

(5) "How about what percentage of teabaggers are racist?"

I didn't make any of this up Paul. These are your words, not mine. And yet you accuse me of hate, and you accuse the GOP of being partisan. Wow.
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