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Old 06-25-2012, 11:59 AM   #10
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by detbuch View Post
The interesting thing would be to discuss the differences rather than creating an absolute strawman and dismissing it as problematic.
Many liberals, in my opinion, have zero interest in discussing the differences. They prefer to call you a racist, usually at the top of their lungs, rather than discuss the differences.

Because a comon sense discussion of the differences makes liberalism seem silly and foolish.

Let's talk about who has a greater right to live - an unborn baby, or a convicted murderer who has had due process (apologies to Johnny D for bringing this up)

Let's talk about whether or not it makes sense to pay people to not work, and to pay teenage girls to have kids out of wedlock.

Let's talk about whether or not rich people cause other people's poverty.

Let's talk about whether or not we can put a dent in a $16 trillion debt by tweaking tax rates on the super-wealthy.

Let's talk about whether or not it makes sense, in the post 09/11 world, to regulate who comes into our country.

Let's talk about whether or not it's "oppressive" to ask voters to verify their identity at the voting booth. How is this one even controversial? Yet liberals go off the deep end at the mention of the idea...

Let's talk about whether or not we have a problem with Islamic radicals.

Let's talk about whether Paul Ryan sincerely wants to fix social security and medicare, or whether he really wants old people and poor people to fall off a cliff and die.

Let's talk about whether or not members of labor unions are so much more important than everyone else, that we bankrupt ourselves to give them benefits that we will never see in our lifetimes.

Let's talk about whether or not the house republicans are opposed to "fast and furious" just because Eric Holder is black.

It's mysterious to me how anyone supports liberalism. I think liberals are correct on gun control, and I think they make a good argument for gay marriage. Other than that, their platforms are not merely wrong, they are stupifyingly absurd. I don't get how they can be so wrong, so often.
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