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Old 07-12-2012, 07:40 PM   #6
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by RIJIMMY View Post
looks like Jim in CT and a prominent democrat agree!
see, obama does bring peple together.

Erskine Bowles: 'We Are Going Over the Fiscal Cliff' - Yahoo! News
RIJIMMY, first, it's very teling that Zimmy, Spence, PaulS, et al, added not one syllable to this.

Second, this is not about partisan politics. It's about two things...(1) understanding of basic mathematics, and (2) about pretending to care about the notion that we leave our kids a better world than that which we inherited from our parents.

Obama's solution? Tax the rich, which at best gets us a meaningless $85 billion a year, which will cut our annual deficit by less than 10%, nowhere near enough to put a dent in the debt.

We need to reduce our debt by trillions. Tens and tens of trillions. Obama acts as if his plan to tax the rich is all that stands between us and economic prosperity.

It's a farce, and it's obviously a farce. Un-questioning zombies will realize, too late, that they got played for suckers by Obama.

RIJIMMY, do what I'm your taxes now, accumulate investments in after-tax accounts that the feds cannot touch. Tax rates will be astronomical when the house of cards comes down. The next crisis, what I call the "sovereign debt crisis", is coming...and it will make the subprime mortage crisis look like the roaring 20's.

Obama didn't create this particular mess, but he's doing nothing to fix it. He's trying to bamboozle those who worship him, into thinking that tweaking tax rates on the uber-wealthy is a serious solution. It is not.

The libs cannot say they haven't been warned.

As an aside...Obama appointed the Simpson-Bowles commission, then he promptly ignored everything they proposed. Why doesn't he catch any heat for that?

To quote singer John Fogerty...I see a bad moon risin'...The only peole who cannot see it are those who prefer to keep their heads in the sand...the same people who say that Paul Ryan wants to kill old people because he has the courage to say that Medicare needs to be fixed in order to be saved.

Last edited by Jim in CT; 07-12-2012 at 07:47 PM..
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