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Old 07-18-2012, 08:45 AM   #47
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by likwid View Post

ps: how's yer pushy?
Likwid, here is what I actually wrote, bold font added here for emphasis...

"JohnR, aren't you relieved to hear Obama declare that it wasn't YOU that built this great website? Nope, it wasn't YOU who toiled away with building this. Rather, it was the FCC! Hooray for the government!! John, therefore you OWE it to the rest of us to give even more of your revenue to the feds. Otherwise, you are a selfish, greedy, bastard."

Likwid, I was demonsrtating how crazy Obama's notion is, that it wasn't John who built this site, but "someone else". That's clearly what Obama believes, not what I believe.

I don't know how else to say it, sorry, I'm not a professional writer.

Our system created an environment where folks like John can create proprietary websites. Without that environment, John could not have built this site. But it was John, not "someone else", who created this site. I can't fathom how Obama could say otherwise, but he did. And I have no doubt he believes it.

I still cannot believe the words Obama used, and it may well haunt him in November. This could be his "Joe-the-plumber" moment for 2012. I hope that's what happens...
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