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Old 07-18-2012, 11:52 AM   #20
Retired Surfer
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The problem

The # 1 problem is the driver of course, but the underlying cause is that thier is no enforcement of the traffic laws. I ran into a dear friend of mine about 8 months ago and he was telling me, after I asked what he's been up to, that he was doing a survey of area police departments ticket writing numbers. This guy is a Lt. on an area pd. He told me that the numbers are down 60 % to 80 %. The excuse the guys are using is the economy. That to me is the biggest BS story I ever heard. It is pure laziness. When the economy improves does anyone really think these people are going to get of the azzes and write citations, I think not. Everyone complains about route 24 being dangerous. But when is the last time anyone saw a trooper stopping a vehicle for a violation? Same goes for the locals. It is difficult to find a cruiser on patrol, which means they are hanging around the station. Listen to your scanners. You might hear the police at a crash, but you never hear the cruisers dispatched to the crash, because they are at the station, and no intiial dispatch to the crash occurred.

Swimmer a.k.a. YO YO MA
Serial Mailbox Killer/Seal Fisherman
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