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Old 07-19-2012, 02:31 PM   #76
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Piscator View Post
Glad those casinos helped........
Posted from my iPhone/Mobile device
I forgot about that...

So here in CT, we have some of the highest tax rates in the country, applied to some of the highest incomes in the country. Meaning, the state has never had a problem with a shortage of tax dollars. On top of that, the state gets hundreds of millions of dollars from the casinos.

The liberals spent that, and then borrowed all they could, and then spent all that. Then they gave every labor union in the state a blank check and gave them an IOU which said the following...

"Dear unions, thanks for keeping us in office. In return, you can have fat pensions and free healthcare for the rest of your life. When the time comes to pay for that, I'll be retired in Florida, so what do I care?

XXXOOO, the Democrats"

CT is as blue as it gets. And in 2010, when the entire country turned to the right, we turned harder left. What was our liberal government's idea? They implemented the largest tax hike in state history in July 2011. Worse, they made the hike retroactive back to January 1 of that year, so for the rest of 2011, we had to absorb double the increase. Honest to God, that's what they did.

I phoned my legislator and asked why they only made it retroactive back to January 1, 2011? Why not make it retroactive back to 1975?

All that revenue, and the state is a disaster. If my family wasn't here, I'd just leave the keys in the front door and walk to New Hampshire.

CT is a perfect, pure experiment of what a lifetime of liberal economics gets unmitigated disaster.

Oh, I forgot. Next, our legislature approved funding for a busway from New Britain (a failing sh*thole of a town) to Hartford (another failing sh*thole of a town). The busway is 9 miles long. 9 miles. The cost of paving 9 miles of road, plus buying a few electric buses? Only $550 million dollars. That's right. A state that is completely bankrupt, thinks it's a sound economic idea to pave 9 miles of road for the bargain-basement price of $60 million per mile. Are they paving the road with Hope diamonds? Fabrege eggs? I can do it for half that, and still have enough money left over to buy Australia.

When they write the book on what went wrong in CT, every chapter of that book can be called "chapter 11".

And this November, my side will get absolutely clobbered by liberals. Clobbered.

Last edited by Jim in CT; 07-19-2012 at 02:41 PM..
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