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Old 07-20-2012, 10:09 AM   #82
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
Who implemented the income tax in Conn? Didn't we just have years of Repub. govs?
"Who implemented the income tax in Conn?"

Gov Lowell Weicker, who was an independent.

"Didn't we just have years of Repub. govs"

Yes, we did. But I'm not sure of your point, because (1) a republican, particularly in The People's Republic Of Konnecticut. is not necessarily the same thing as a conservative. And (2) even if the republican governors were fiscally conservative (which they were not), the legislature was dominated by liberals. I'm not sure how much you know about the way a democracy works, but the executive branch cannot unilaterally do away with the income tax. You see, the legislative branch controls the legislative agenda.

I love it when people say, as you were implying, that CT isn't all that liberal, because after all, we have had Republican governors. A state (or country) isn't defined as liberal or conservative simply by the party affiliation of its chief executive. The state's implemented policies define that state as liberal or conservative.

On that basis, you can't get more liberal than CT, you just can't. Astronomical taxes, massive government presence, massive spending, massive borrowing. Giving insane perks to labor unions. Endorsing gay marriage. Refusing to enforce duly constituted immigration laws. Giving tuition breaks to the children of undocumented citizens.

The political landscape of CT cannot be any more liberal than it is. It has been that way for 2 generations. And what have the liberals done? Created a liberal utopia with crippling taxes, staggering debt, astronomical cost of living, lousy business climate, shrinking population, horribly failing cities, forcing Catholic hospitals to offer abortions to rape victims, repeal of the death penalty, radically pro-abortion.

Yes, not every single elected official in CT is a Democrat. That doesn't mean this isn't a BLUE state.

There are Democrats in Texas. That doesn't mean that Texas isn't a very conservative place.

Paul, what policies exist in CT that you would define as "conservative" in nature? Our low taxes and balanced budget?
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