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Old 07-20-2012, 10:28 AM   #86
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by PaulS View Post
you sure about that? Didn't he run for Pres. as a Repub?
Yes, he ran for President as a Republican. But he didn't ram the state income tax down our throats as a candidate for President. He did that when he was governor. And when he ran (successfully) as governor, he was representing the Independent party.

Paul, that is irrelevent. Simple political affiliation does not define a state as conservative or liberal. The state's political landscape defines that state as liberal or conservative.

CT isn't liberal because most of its legislature is Democrat. CT is liberal because this state has an almost unblemished record of adopting pure liberal policies.

Similarly, TX isn't conservative simply because most of its legislators are Republican. It's conservative because those elected officials have embraced conservative ideology.

Many of my liberal friends think liberal economics works, simply because Bill Clinton (a Democrat) turned the economy around. But do you know what he actually did? He cut taxes, cut spending, balanced the budget, and told millions on welfare to get back to work. The fact that Clinton was a Democrat does not mean that those ideas are liberal ideals...

A person's party affiliation doesn't define them as liberal or conservative. Their ideas define them as liberal or conservative.
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