Originally Posted by RIJIMMY
I agree, but more people will die from obesity, drunk driving accidents and domestic violence related to alcohol in one year than will die from auto weapons in 100 years. So why dont we ban all those bad things? As I always ask, where does it stop?
The people who die from obesity are auffering, in most cases, from their own choices. Shooting victims don't get to choose what weapon their attackers will arm themselves with. I agree with you, I'm not big on limiting freedom. But millions and millions of peopl eenjoy beer. Only a very small number of people are the types that enjoy these weapons. I'm torn on the issue, very conflicted...
That soda ban is the stupidest thing I've ever heard of. People can get 2 small sodas instead, and restaurants often offer free refills. Does Bloomberg really think that there won't be a need for dentists anymore? Does he think he's found the formula for creating a city of Supermen?