Thread: assault rifles
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Old 07-27-2012, 04:42 PM   #76
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Originally Posted by Jim in CT View Post
Yes, it could, to a different degree. Detbuch, do you deny that assault rifles are inherently more dangerous than handguns? Assault rifles don't allow murderers to kill more people than handguns? Do we really need to have that discussion? If that's what you're saying, allow me to ask you the same thing I asked Likwid (who chose not to answer). When soldiers stormed the beaches of Normandy and Iwo Jima, how many do you think were holding their handguns, and how many do you
think were holding their rifles? When my unit was attacked in Iraq, every guy under my command had a standard-issue handgun. Do you know how many of them dropped their rifles and grabbed their handguns? Exactly zero. Why do you suppose that is?

I have not stated nor implied that assault weapons or rifles are less or as equally "dangerous" than hand guns. I have implied just the opposite in my previous two posts in this thread, especially when I asked what if all the Jews of Germany during Nazi power were armed with assault weapons and sufficient ammo? That might have led to an easier task, if necessary, when our troops stormed the beaches of Normandy.

"And if you allow, as a society, the feds to deny you any right, they have power to deny you all rights."

I hear pro-gun zealots talk about the necessity of guns to keep the feds at bay. In this country, I'm not sure that passes the common-sense test. If anything, it sounds delusionally paranoid. If someone wants a gun for hunting, that's one thing. If someone thinks they need a gun to keep the 82nd Airborne off their property, I assume that's a guy who wears a tin-foil hat so that the aliens can't control his thoughts or eat his brain.

One might then say the rebels of our revolution were delusionally paranoid. They took on the greatest military might of their time, and even half of their neighbors not only didn't support them, they openly fought them and gave aid and comfort to the British. If you assume that you have no chance from the start, much will never be accomplished. Might it be more difficult now, maybe so, but that's what the second ammendment is for, not hunting. And it surely would not be possible without a commitment to liberty and the virtue to stand up for that principle.

I don't want my kids to live next door to someone with an assault rifle, or any other automatic weapon. If my neighbor is disturbed, my kids are less safe, you are correct.

You're entitled to your personal desires, but how does that trump your neighbor's desires?

Detbuch, if my neighbor is deranged but un-armed, that's one thing. If my neighbor is deranged (or even simply careless, or stupid) but has an assault rifle, do you disagree that represents a different threat to my kids? Seriously?

Yes, that's one thing. Every thing is one thing, different than all the other one things. What is the principle behind banning things simply because they are different?

If you want to tell me the Constitution guarantees the right to buy an assault rifle, you have a compelling case, I have read the 2nd amendment. If you're telling me that assault rifles are not capable of significantly escalating the danger of any situation, I think you are 100% wrong.
I am telling you no such thing. On the contrary, if you wish to protect yourself against a tryrannical government, then you and your cohorts must have the firepower that can escalate the danger to your enemy--just as the troops who stormed the beaches of Normandy had. If you think you would be able to do that with handguns, I think you are 100% wrong.

The argument about alllowing some guns but not others because some are less dangerous is puzzling to me. If you can kill 10 or 30 people quickly, that's a no-no, but if you can only kill one or two or five in the same amount of time, that's OK.

Last edited by detbuch; 07-27-2012 at 04:52 PM.. Reason: typos
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