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Old 07-28-2012, 09:50 AM   #1
Jim in CT
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Chick Fil-A franchises not welcome

Here's a beautiful example of liberal tolerance, open-mindedness, and inclusion...

For those who don't know...Chick Fil-A is a franchise of restaurants that serve chicken sandwiches. The CEO of Chick-Fil-A is apparently a devout Christian (that rotten bastard). He was asked recently what he thought of gay marriage, and he expressed the (if not majority, certainly close to majority) opinion that he believes marriage is between a man and a woman.

Mind you, in the 30+ states where this has been voted on by the public, gay marriage has been rejected. It has never been approved by public ballot. Amazingly, gay marriage was voted down, even in Californis and Oregon. So, even though I am pro-gay marriage (my liberal side is showing recently), no one can say that those opposed to gay marriage are radical extremists.

Why does this matter? Because the mayor of Boston, the mayor of Chicago, and a Philadelphia alderman have all said that they will try to prevent Chick Fil-A franchises in their towns.

Got to love that liberal tolerance. The mayor of Chicago, Rahm Emanuel, was Obama's chief of staff. This is an influential, prominent guy.

Chick Fil-A restaurants are franchises. The family that owns the franchise in Chicago has 97 employees. They would like to open another restaurant. Instead of being honored for creating jobs in a city where levels of gun violence makes the OK Corral look like the Vatican,they are being punished because their distant CEO had the audacity to state that he is a traditional Christian. Send him to the showers!

If customers want to boycott the restaurant, fine. But the government cannot refuse to allow lawful commerce, simply because they don't like the perfectly legal views of the CEO. It's unbelievable.

Furthermore, here's what I love. These same liberals are not calling for boycotts of Muslim-owned businesses, and the Islam view of marriage is, to put it mildly, less tolerant than the Christian view. But because Muslims have been anointed with "victim" status by liberals, their barbaric treatment of women is ignored. Instead, liberals claim that it's conservatives, not Muslims, who are waging a war on women. Tell me how that passes the common sense test.

And my side loses to these people, every single year.

Last edited by Jim in CT; 07-28-2012 at 09:56 AM..
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