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Old 08-11-2012, 08:53 AM   #1
Jim in CT
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Paul Ryan it is...

And here is the difference between the GOP ticket and the Democrat ticket..

Ryan reluctantly admits that social security and medicare need to be overhaules in order to be saved. Ryan shares the irrefutable datga to suggest that those programs will collapse under the weight of the Baby Boomers, and he proposes a specific plan to address it.

The Democratic response is a commercial showing Ryan pushing an old lady off a cliff. That's not an exaggeration, that happened.

In the VP debate (which I cannot wait for) Ryan will calmy explain precisely why he believes what he believes. Biden will scream at the top of his lungs, bang the podium, throw papers in the air, accusing Paul Ryan oif wanting to kill old people, sell their organs in ebay, and split the profits with Wall Street fatcats.

I would love someone to ask Joe Biden just one wuestion..."Mr Vice President, you claim to be catholic, but you support abortion. Sir, is the Pope wrong on that topic"?
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