Thread: Why is it ?
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Old 08-11-2012, 08:41 PM   #30
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Originally Posted by zimmy View Post
So what? Most things didn't go as the administration planned.

"So what?" is not a fact. I was responding to Nebe's "facts". And conspiracy theories are only facts in that they are conspiracy theories. Opinions are not facts. How do you know that things didn't go as the administration planned? You seem to think they lied about so much, maybe they lied about what they planned. Maybe they wanted things to happen just as they have. They were, aparently, smart enough to fool Congress (not that Congress is made of the sharpest tacks). Or is it that the Bush administration was sometimes cunningly devious and other times dumb as a rock.

The fact that we didn't receive preferential treatment years later, doesn't mean that it wasn't what drove Cheney to push Dub to war.

So what? That we didn't get what you say bush planned, doesn't actually mean he did plan it. Is there some hidden logic or "fact" in your assertion?

Maybe it was just a family grudge. 9/11 just gave him the politcal weight to do it.
Oh, so now we switch to another pseudo-fact, the family grudge thing. The factual substance to your opinions are astounding.

I notice you skipped the quote by Obama's Embassy Spokesman in Iraq. Maybe Obama is in cahoots with Bush's plan. He's certainly in step with most of his other plans. The circle of conspiracy widens. And I guess the quote by the pesident of one of the Russian companies is another "fact" that is of no interest.

Last edited by detbuch; 08-11-2012 at 08:51 PM..
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