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Old 08-14-2012, 08:51 AM   #1
Jim in CT
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You just can'ty make this stuff up

Anyone know who the aptly named Candy Crowley is? She's a left-wing, bomb-throwing, fat slob at CNN.

After Paul Ryan was named as Romney's running mate, Miss Crowley put down her Hersheys Bar long enough to say that the Romney/Ryan ticket is a "death wish ticket". Look it up, that's what she said.

Why is that important? Because she's moderating a presidential debate. NJo reason to think she'd be biased, I guess.

Bob Shieffer from CBS (another radical left-winger who doesn't try to hide that) is also hosting a debate. Even if you had Michael Savage hosting the 3rd debate, that wouldn't be balanced. And it's another left-winger, Jim Leher, who is moderating the 3rd debate.

Unfreakinbelievable. Why do Republicans agree to things like this?

How long, O' Lord?
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