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Old 09-17-2012, 09:09 AM   #22
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Thanks for the feedback. As I mentioned, I went with the 13SEER and it's a Heil. The HVAC guy I deal with is practically a neighbor and his kids have gone through school with mine, so hopefully that relationship will maybe account for not being taken or overcharged for things I'm not very familiar with. He did come back a day after installation and we filled out a form that extended the warranty from 5 to 10 years. For peace of mind I decided to bite the bullet and replace everything because I think the contractor who initially built the house for us, we're in a development, cut alot of corners (the building inspector didn't catch). We'd never had a house built for us and there is so much we learned after the fact that we could have asked to have upgraded (like heating and AC). My wife insisted she needed 10 ft cielings on the first floor but we didn't even know there was such a thing as two zone heating and AC, so that one unit really works when it's on.
I am curious about why you recommend not covering the unit in the winter? Just seems like a simple thing to keep the snow and leaves off, but again, what do I know about this stuff.

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