Thread: Debate #1
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Old 10-04-2012, 10:58 AM   #15
Jim in CT
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Romney did well, Obama was atrocious. Obama is not used to people disagreeing with him, he doesn't like it, he has no experience with it, and he has no idea how to react to it.

Obama should be glad that he wasn't opposing Gingrich.

CNN did a quick poll. 67% of the CNN responders said that Romney won the debate. And that's not an impartial audience, that's a left-leaning audience.

Obama may do better in round 2, but what can he say? He added $5 trillion to the debt, and all we have to show for it is fewer jobs, lower median income, and a Middle East that's burning around us. Hard to spin your way out of that. By far, his biggest success has been in the war on terror, and all he has done there is continue the policies of the previous administration, and utilize the security infastructure built by the previous administration.

The MSNBC reaction was priceless.

I don't know what this translates to in the polls. But it reinforces what we have all known all along, this emperor has no clothes.
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