Thread: Debate #1
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Old 10-06-2012, 06:25 AM   #71
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by Scuttlebutt View Post
Come on. What's the beef with someone being successful...honestly. Aren't you tired of ripping successful people. This is the USA for cripes sake. We are flush with successful people. Land of opportunity remember. This BS about "he/she makes more money than me (or is more successful than me) and I want some of if" has to go. Wah, wah, wah...Boo frickity whoo! Try this... get a job, start at the bottom, work your ass off...voila! That's what my wife and I did. Married at 22. Moved into an apartment with my belongings in a shoebox and $500 from our wedding. I'm not rich by any means but we saved for a modest house...raised two great kids...and socked a little coin away for the golden years and maybe a new reel. No handouts from anyone...been working our butts off (and paying our share of income taxes) since we were 16. See it can be done! Success!
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"What's the beef with someone being successful"

The liberal beef with success/wealth is based on the liberal lie that wealth is finite, meaning that the more money the rich have, the less there is for the rest of us. The fact that that notion is demonstrably false does not matter to these people.

Liberalism depends upon making large enough numbers of people feel that the government, and only the government, is capable of fairly distributing the limited wealth that's out there.

Liberals don't want people to know this simnple truth...want to be self-sufficient for life? Get B's in high school, go to a state university and major in nursing or physical therapy. There. You are self sufficient for life, if you are willing to work hard. Guaranteed middle-class lifestyle that's within reach of 95% of Americans, IF YOU ARE WILLING to work a bit and be show some responsibility.

To the people who bash the successful/ people are not the problem. If you want to identify the problem, chances are you'll see it by looking in the mirror.
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