Thread: Debate #2
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Old 10-16-2012, 09:49 PM   #3
Jim in CT
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The performances were much more even. The debate, and the questions asked, were a joke, and what you'd expect when the moderator (Candy what's her face) once referred to the Romney-Ryan ticket as the "death ticket".

A black guy asks Obama why he should vote for him again
.A woman asks about equal pay for women.
A hispanic challenges Romney about immigration reform.
A question about assault rifles.
A question suggesting that abortion is about women's rights.
A woman (claiming to be undecided!!) telling Romney that she blamed Bush for the failed economy.

The questions went right down the liberal playbook. Where was the Catholic priest asking Obama why he doesn't believe that the Catholic Church has the first amendmwnt rights? Where was the crippled abortion survivor asking Obama why he supported infanticide?


But it was a draw, which probably means Obama didn't make up much lost ground. I liked one part where Obama tried to interrupt Romney, and Romney called him on it. Obama started to say :"governor, if you're gonna ask me a quiestion..." to which Romney said "I didn't ask you a question, I made a statement". After which, Obama sat down like a child told to go in time-out.

The questions were ridiculous, about what you'd expect from a committed Obama supporter getting to pick the questions. One of these days, Republican candidates have to refuse to set themselves up for this kind of bias.
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