Thread: Debate #2
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Old 10-17-2012, 07:32 AM   #19
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by spence View Post
Interesting debate. Not as decisive as the first but Obama certainly had the edge.

Romney didn't seem prepared with a game plan like before, and he was easily irritated. Really came off as petulant for most of the debate. His incessant bickering with the moderator and disrespect for the President will likely be a turn off to women and independents.

Obama made a few small mistakes and Romney several bigger ones. Romney really blew it with the Libya attack. Obama looked pretty comfortable and confident the entire time.

The next debate is all about foreign policy and it should be good.

It was interesting, I thought it was more of a draw.

Obama could not have been worse than 2 weeks ago, and he wasn't. I thought Ronmney clobbered Obama on energy (denying Obama his claim that he's responsible for increased drilling on private land, which he has nothing to do with) and on the economy. Romney blew a chance on Libya, though Obama got some help from the moderator there, which was ridiculous. Obama came across better on the social issues.

Again, I thought the questions were insanely left-leaning. If someone is going to ask Romney why he's different than Bush, then someone should ask Obama why he's different than Jimmy Carter. If a Hispanic gets to challenmge Romney on immigration, how about having the widow of a Texas rancher murdered by an illegal alien, asking Obama about his stance on immigration..I don't see how anyone can claim teh questions wre eanywhere near balanced...women's compensation and assault rifles? We spend 20% of the allocated time on those issues?

It's a tight race.
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