Thread: Debate #2
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Old 10-18-2012, 09:46 AM   #54
Jim in CT
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Originally Posted by scottw View Post
you two would never make it very far as foxhole buddies...

.....I did say "foxhole"......
Gallup poll just released has Romney up 6. He is surging, really "peaking" at the right time. And the fact that the last debate, the last impression people will have, will be on foreign policy, could not work more to Romney's advantage. He has all weekend to prepare a narrative to use the Libya debacle to back Obama into a corner from which there is no escape. I cannot imagine that Obama's camp is looking forward to this debate.

The only tough question Obama got in teh debate (and it was a very tough question) wa steh gyu who asked "who rejected the diplomat's requet for more security, and why". Obama's answer? He spoke about how heroic the diplomats are...never even came close to answering teh question that was asked. And God knows Canbdy Crowley wasn't going to ask Obama to answerthe question that was asked. I guess sheet cake isn't brain food.
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